This year I went 10 days to Puglia (Southern Italy) during summer and it was absolutely a great choice! For me it was my first time ever in Italy so I was really looking forward to see if it was like I imagined. And oh yes it was..Old Italian men on every bench in every small village […]
Tag: food
Pumpkin curry
What is not to love about curry? They’re tasty, spicy and easy to make! This time I made one with pumpkin and chickpeas, perfect in winter. I came up with this one during my one week vegan challenge, so it’s completely vegan as well. Perfect for everybody! Serves 4 / 15 min preparation / 30 min of […]
Simple green vegetarian salad
I love to eat salads for lunch, and I made a promise to myself to do this more often. Actually salads don’t even need a recipe because you can use whatever you like. But I wanted to share this one with you anyway ’cause it’s so simple and tasted verrrry good! I used vegetarian ‘chicken’ because I really […]
A little spicy Pumpkin hummus
One of my all time biggest cravings is hummus. I could eat it all day everyday and sometimes I can’t believe that something that good is healthy too, win win! Since fall is here and it’s getting really cold outside I decided to make a fall hummus with pumpkin. Besides the lovely flavour pumpkin adds […]
Review: Foodphotograpy & styling workshop
For my birthday this year (August) my aunt gave me a very nice present! Since I’m already really into foodphotography this was a perfect gift to learn more about it. She gave me a food photography & styling workshop for food bloggers. The workshop was given by Simone from Simones Kitchen and Alex from Alex […]
Yoghurt cake with caramelized apple
Since fall has officially begun (nowhere to be seen though) and the bowl on our kitchen table is getting a little too full with apples from the garden, I thought it was a good time to bake an apple cake again! I wanted to try something new so I made this version with Greek yoghurt, caramelized […]
Ultimate French toast with maple syrup
I love a proper weekend breakfast. And is there a better way to start your day than with thick slices of corn bread soaked in maple syrup and covered in cinnamon & sugar? I really had to control myself to not start eating already when I took the pictures. It’s a quite simple recipe but hopefully […]
Salmagundi recipe – super healthy quinoa & garlicky aubergines
I already said in my previous post about the review of Salmagundi how enthusiastic I was of this book. But then I tried this recipe and oh my god, I am even more enthusiastic! Seriously, it was so delicious! And even though there are six gloves of garlic in there, it won’t stop you from […]
Review: Salmagundi
So you might have read in my update three that I went to visit this very cute and lovely restaurant in Peckham called Persepolis. They serve amazing Persian food in here and it’s such a nice place to go for dinner (or breakfast or lunch)! That being said, the place is owned by Sally Butcher […]
Update three
It’s been a while since my latest update but that doesn’t mean I didn’t do anything in the mean time, quite the opposite actually! Let’s start about three weeks ago, when I was invited to go to this raw wine fair in the Old Truman Brewery in Brick Lane. And when you’re asked to attend a fair where […]